The date your period should have started has come and gone. You’re watching, waiting, and wondering. If you think you may be unexpectedly pregnant and don’t know what to do, start with Choices Resource Center.

How Do I Know If I Am Pregnant?

We’re here to help you answer this very important question. To find out, we recommend a pregnancy test at Choices Resource Center. Why take our pregnancy test vs. an over-the-counter test?

  • Our pregnancy tests are medical-grade, which means they are more sensitive than many at-home tests.
  • They are free and completely confidential. You have nothing to lose!
  • A licensed nurse will instruct you to get the most accurate results possible. (Often at-home tests can be taken too early or read incorrectly.)

Early Signs Of Pregnancy

Although a late period is one of the first signs of pregnancy, it can also mean something else. Issues like stress, hormonal changes, diet, and rapid weight gain or loss can also be reasons to miss a period. See if you are experiencing any of these other early signs of pregnancy:

  • A missed period
  • Spotting
  • Swollen or tender breasts
  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Unusual tiredness/fatigue
  • Nausea or vomiting

Curious about what to expect throughout the pregnancy? Visit our pregnancy week-by-week page.

Your Next Step

If you receive a positive result on your pregnancy test, your next step will be to schedule a limited ultrasound. At Choices Resource Center, we offer free and confidential ultrasounds too! An ultrasound will give you information about your pregnancy such as how far along you are or if your pregnant in the correct location.

You Have Options

Our trained client advocates are here to speak with you and provide information about all your options. Wise choices can’t be made unless all the options and risks are considered.

We believe there are some things you may want and need to know before deciding. Let’s sit down together and talk through what it may look like to parent or choose parents for your baby. Our licensed nurse can discuss abortion procedures, side effects, and possible risks. Know the facts before you act.

We are a safe place. There’s no judgment and no pressure. You are welcome here.

Choices Resource Center does not perform or refer for abortions.